Up in the Treehouse by K.K. Allen

Up in the Treehouse by K.K. Allen is about friendship, love, trust, heartbreak, mistakes, and one tragedy that causes lives to be turned upside down for years. Cloe Rivers and the Rhodes Twins became friends in their early teens when the twins moved behind her house on the other side of a wooded area. A treehouse brought them all together but also torn them apart.

I really enjoyed this book and looking into reading more from this author.

Hell is an Awfully Big City: Annexation by D.L.

Hell is an Awfully Big City: Annexation by D.L. Russell is A genius collection of mind prickling stories. The way the author writes is with such detail, and the way he brilliantly uses description to brings the chilling stories to life. 

Raymond Doesn’t Remember and Out of the Water are two of stories that are still floating around inside my head days after reading them.  I will highly recommend this book to all of my like-minded friends.

Vikki: Doctor By Day Zombie Hunter By Night. ****

I have not read a book quite like this. This takes zombies and vampires to a whole new level. pretty much anything you know about book zombies and book vampires leave at the door when you open to the first page.

The author did a great job creating the world around her very interesting and chaining storyline. Doctor Vicky Anderson is the main character. She is witty, intelligent, and seem to be the girl next door kind of pretty.

I read this book fouvikkir stars because it was a really well written and it was hard to tear my attention away from it. At times I did find it a little slow, but that was solely because I really wanted to know what was going to happen next. I would recommend this book to anyone 18 plus and enjoys the genre.

Summer’s End Kristy Brown *****

I came across this book accidentally when looking for a book with a similar title. As soon as my eyes hit the cover, I was already sold.

Summer’s End is like a romantic fantasy stuck in a loophole. Summer, the main character wakes up from a bad accident with memory loss. She is so much more than what she seems when the first story begins.
Alex is a ruggedly bad boy who has the weight of the world on his shoulders. He’s been told and trained his whole life that he is the one to save the world. How does he save the world? You can find the answers between the cover and the last page.

When a story can actually affect a readers emotions, this is the kind of book that takes forever to read because you just don’t want it to end. I huge thank you and kudos to the author for being able to achieve the perfect balance of emotions that the readers can relate too.

I Would recommend this book to anyone sixteen and up. To anyone who enjoys fantasy, romance, even those who enjoy mild christen themes.Summerend

Frost Bites By Lucy Alice *****

When I bought my ebook, I thought it would be an add on to the characters in the first book. I was almost disappointed until I fell in love with these new characters at just eight percent through my ebook. They are not all new, them from characters from the last book.

Sarah, Tylor, and Jayden are the focus of this book. Sarah Has trust issues, Tylor heart issues, and Jayden is Sarah’s perfect little brother. Throughout this book, the author shows everyone imperfections and perfections, helping us the readers relate. Everyone in this book are so easy to love. The storyline was just perfect and made it really hard to put down to go about my day. It was very well balanced in love, romance, sex, drama, and conflict.

Overall this was just a beautifully amazing story, and I would recommend this to anymore eighteen and older that enjoys this kind of story.frostbites

Temper Deference by Lila Mina ****


I would definitely say this is one of those books that can make you blush. I would also say that the sexual scenes are so detailed that it’s hard to remember much else that went on in-between. Not only was the rates R scenes deceptive, the characters in their surroundings were as well.

Kudos to the author for her very colorful and descriptive imagination. I would totally recommend this book to anyone 18 and up.


What happens when you have a Lawyer and the antichrist up against the four horsemen and two sassy chicks? A fun, sarcastic, and wild page-turning read!

My Cat is THE ANTICHRIST by Trepagnier was one heck of a read. It was a little out that, but that is what makes it completely worth the read. The world the author created was small but was put together well. The characters had to be the best part of the book. Very thought out and detailed. Now the story came together perfectly around the characters.

I would recommend this book to those who are 18 plus and like fun rated R books.ANTICHRIST

Last of us Lone Survivor by Nikki Landis


Runner and Bloater. Yuck!

Picture this. You are on the main street sunning at a simple pace from a hoard of Zombies when two newly turned zombies were rounding the corner block at full speed. What do you do? Me? I cry and bend over to kiss my butt good-bye, cause there is no way I am out running high-speed zombies.

I Have been reading Nikki Landis’s books for a while. None ever the same. She is extremely versatile and can write just about any genre.  I am so happy I stumbled upon this one.

This book is hard to talk about without giving a lot away, and I would hate to do that since its such a good book. Bailee and Sawyer (Saw) are two of the main characters and the author switches back and forth letting us into each of their heads. I loved them and hated for the book to end. Bailee is independent, strong and almost undeniably perfect for this world. Sawyer Is disciplined,  strapping, and another survivor. The world built by Nikki Landis was perfectly done. I can picture every latter climbed, every road or hall that they ran in.

I would recommend this book to anyone who, like me loves to read the end of the world zombie books. I hope she makes another continuing with these characters.

Breaking the Rules by Emma Leigh Reed ****

Izzy is an emotionally troubled girl who grows into an emotionally troubled woman. From mid-childhood, she felt she never fit in with her family. Her mom cold and her dad loving but not protective. The only love she felt came from her grandparents.

The information above is all I will give away. The story in itself was sad yet very understandable. The characters were very well described and likable. It was a book that gave you the feels, although I would not want to feel like that all the time. You know the writing is good if the author can make you feel whatever the character is feeling.

There is some romance in here but it does not overwhelm the main storyline.
I only noticed one issue and that was something about one of the character changed from one part of the book that was said in another part. If there were other issues I was too engrossed in the story to notice.emma